Summer programme at Château des Baux

6 July to 1 September

Chateau des Baux-de-Provence

Step back in time and visit the Château des Baux!

This summer, let us tell you all about the Château des Baux-de-Provence and take a journey back in time to discover its secrets.

The Chateau des Baux will be telling its story through workshops, plays and historical illuminations on the key sites of the fortress that was once the home of the Lords of Les Baux. All the power of this great family still emanates from its stones today.

In the heart of the limestone landscapes of the Alpilles, a veritable stone vessel dominating the plain, the Château des Baux-de-Provence invites you to experience unique moments at the heart of an exceptional heritage.

Summer programme at the Château des Baux

Sensory visit to the Quiqueran garden
Medieval gardens abounded in plants with unsuspected benefits. Will you be able to recognise their scents and textures?
Location: jardin Quiqueran – Duration: 20 mins – All ages
Times: 9.30 am and 2.30 pm

Workshop – Discover the landscape
Landscapes reveal the many changes in lifestyles over the centuries. Discover and draw the landscapes that have surrounded the castle.
Location: next to the “belier” – Duration: 30 mins – All ages
Times: 10.30 am and 6.30 pm

Workshop – Draw me your coat of arms
Draw your family coat of arms like the lords of the Middle Ages!
Location: “les cabanes” – Duration 30 mins – Young family members
Times: 11.30 am – 4.30 pm

Workshop – The castle in pieces
Observe and try to reconstruct the castle to understand the techniques used to defend it.
Location: maison de Lherre – Duration: 25 mins – Young family members
Times: 12.30 pm and 2.45 pm

The guides’ newsflash – Fake news from the castle
Les Baux has always been a place of stories and legends. Can you sort out the real from the fake?
Location: “les cabanes” – Duration: 20 mins – All ages
Times: 11.45am and 4.45pm

Guide Newsflash – The castle strikes back
Onagres, bricoles, trebuchets: how do you attack and defend a fortified castle in the Middle Ages?
Location: Onagre – Duration: 15 mins – All ages
Times: 3.30 pm and 5.45 pm

 Flash info from the guides – Is there water in the cistern?
Go in search of water on the Baux rock
Location: la citerne – Duration: 15 mins – All ages
Times: 1.30 pm and 3.45 pm

Discover two short plays performed by surprising actors who will take you on a journey through the literary delights of courtly love and reveal the story of Alix des Baux, the last liege of the castle.
Location: petit theatre du château – Duration: 15 mins – All ages
Times: 10.00 am – 11.00 am – 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Texts : Alexandre Foulon – adapted by Benoit Miaule
Directed by: Benoit Miaule
Alternating with: Benoit Niaulle, Maïssane Maroqui, Pao Schachner, Eglantine Riviere, Maë Dejean, Mael Galland, Anaig Galland, Claude Wasselin

Tours and workshops are in French, but the guides also speak English.
The theatre scenes are exclusively in French

Download the programme


Adults: 10€
Seniors (over 65): 9€
Children (under 7): free
Reduced: youth (7 to 25), students over 25, jobseekers: / 8€
Family (2 adults + 2 children aged 7 to 17): 33€

Pass Baux-de-Provence
Combined ticket: Carrières des Lumières + Château des Baux
Adults: 20,50€  | Seniors (+65 years): 18,50€
Children (-7 years): free | Children (7 to 17 years): 15,50€
Concessions (students 18 to 25  years, jobseekers): 16,50€
Family (2 adults and 2 children): 60€

Practical information

Esplanade du Château
13520 Les Baux-de-Provence

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Tourist Office

Maison du Roy, Rue Porte Mage,
13520 Les Baux-de-Provence
Tél. +33 (0)4 90 54 34 39

Read more

Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 9.00 am to 6.00 pm
Weekends & public holidays: 10.00 am to 5.30 pm
Closure: 25 December and 1 January
